I started this blog with a vague idea of talking about life as planner outside of the London bubble, but it's something I've not talked about for a while. Maybe I should do it more since it's a different perspective to life in a big communications hub like London.
Out here, we're watching the prolonged death of big advertising networks and the struggle for integration in London with a wry smile, since we went through it ten years ago when there wasn't enough advertising budget to go around. Being able to do digital, DM and design as well as advertising is second nature out here, but while London agencies break new ground, we're getting left behind when we should be seizing the initiative by the scruff of its scrawny little neck.
One problem is a kind of inverted snobbery that sticks two fingers up to anything that could be pretentious overcomplication. Complexity? Pah! Blogging? Never catch on so keep it simple!So some of the big thinking going one glides by while we remain oblivious.
Another is the continued obsession with media as commodities, "We're good at advertising but we can also do new media". With a few notable exceptions, not enough agencies have got their heads around creating ideas and then seeing what fits. They're still asking, "Do you want a website or maybe a shelf wobbler?". It's a shame since many places never split up media from creative.
You don't need me to tell you that ideas are the future of this complicated new world, or that planners can be the pioneers that make sense of it all, but I get sad at the opportunity we're missing out on because planners are few and far between out here(and many are glorified researchers).
There's so much going on at the moment in blogs; discussions on complexity, compression, peer to peer stuff, zero media budget, but it's passing most of us by. While others do campaigns around YouTube, many of us don't know what a blog is.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm relieved bloggers are generous enough to share, it's certainly a help to me, and I'm thrilled that I've got Northern Planning evenings for a group hug with the other lonely planners out there. Planners are the future ever where, but doubly so out here.
emotional stuff NP. what did we all do before blogging? not sure i can remember now... :-)
Posted by: doug | November 10, 2006 at 12:21 PM
Lord knows. Glad to get that off my chest, although I'm worried it looks like a bit of a rant. Oh well, live and learn.
Posted by: Andrew | November 10, 2006 at 12:51 PM
It is to Northern Planning what the west end pub is to London Planning.
Posted by: Rob Mortimer | November 10, 2006 at 01:22 PM
You guys are so emotional and solid - Planning sounds like one big happy family/fraternity. Awwww :)
Posted by: Onewomanrunning | November 10, 2006 at 05:17 PM
don't be fooled by the tears. it's a ruse to get us to open up and divulge the magic... I'm not buying it [folds arms]
Posted by: jamesb | November 14, 2006 at 04:39 PM
Excuse James B, he's grumpy beyond his years.
Posted by: Andrew | November 15, 2006 at 08:21 AM