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April 27, 2007


Brilliant NP, honestly brilliant.

Good for parents of 10 year old swimmers to know as well!

Great post with great advice.

Especially 3 and 4.

This rings loads of bells for me too. I spent years 8 to 17 in a sports system and it did me loads of good. But it was hard and it wasn't normal.

I have kids now and now I hope they are good at something, but just not that good.

Good advice for the good, the bad and the pefectly average.

NP, i'm so glad you're back and in such fine form! you blog like you swim too: streamlined, focused and with such grace!
Advertising kids, take note: listen to this guy - he knows important things.

When I said you had fight in you, I meant that as a massive compliment - I hope you took it like that.

This is a top post, which actually covers off one of the issues I think is vitally important in planning today - attitude.

Sure things like process, rigour and knowledge are all vital - but the difference [at least to me] between good and great IS when you have that inherent fight within yourself to never be satisfied with just getting to an answer, but to get to an answer that really means something, develops something, moves something.

Love the refreshed NP - I almost don't mind you had such an extended break now, ha!

I've never been called graceful before Lauren. You've never seen me play 5 a side though.

well, you're graceful at blogging NP. and this post isn't about football anyway :)

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