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November 17, 2008


This relates a bit to that post you had about male bickering - isn't it also about finding a weakness and exploiting it or just fighting more, harder? It's fair and fun if we talk about the latter, whereas the first might induce a revenge pattern - "You exploit my weakness and give a low blow, I'll do the same and you should bloody expect it soon."

It would be more long term, it would actually encourage healthy competition. And it'd be great if the client is in perfect zen sync with the agency. It takes a bit of complicity. :D

What a great, great point ... and a wonderful way to explain it.

I love this - infact I'm going to write something about it because in the right hands, arrogance can be a bloody great thing.

Brill post mate ...

It's not arrogance, it's self-confidence. If he were merley arrogant, he wouldn't have the ability to back it up. And it's a very smart strategy because once you neutralise the opponent's greatest strength you've completely undermined their self-confidence.

It's old, but the Avis - We're number two so we try harder - cut right into the advantage of being number 1, and made the competition look complacent and static.

Good post mate.

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