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January 10, 2013


Hi, it's funny your doing this as this exactly what I did in 2009 - for similar reasons, saving for a big event.

I managed to go the full year without buying anything (I operated to these rules and nothing major broke!) and it taught me so many things.

Firstly, as commented on your bag, just how easy and how satisfying it is to get things fixed. You develop a new relationship with tailors and cobblers - great traditional crafts - that are used less and less as we've become more of a disposable society.

I realised how much stuff I already had. When you can't go out buy new things, you look upon your old things in a different light. A number of things got pulled out of the loft or from the back of the wardrobe and got a second lease of life.

Finally, I realised how much I relied on flippant purchases to give myself a little boost. And how much this was temporary and just wasteful.

4 years on I think that year has still changed my purchasing habits and how I view of lot my purchases today. It very easily helps you frame the question, do I really 'need' this. Ultimately the answer is normally no.

Good luck!

Hi there. I hope it turns out as well for me as it did for you. I guess stopping to smell the flowers from time to time is something we should all do

HI there
Hope it's going well with the not buying stuff. I was a planner for 15 years, did a Masters in Sustainability and decided to stop doing that 'getting people to buy stuff that they don't want' thing. Bought my first new clothes for two years (jeans and a jacket) this Christmas. Be interesting to see if your experiment has an impact on your thoughts on the responsibility of the ad industry. It, and other things, was profound for me.
Enjoy the continuing journey and good luck.

Hi there. Great to hear from you.
I'm sure this experiment in truth will do just that.
It's going well so far.

I'm sure this experiment in truth drive re-appraisal of all sorts of my habits and attitudes.

Especially when the very model of capitalism, let alone advertising which is just a cog, is based on waste - creating the want to buy more than you need
I think this is being brought into sharp focus right now, as the middle and lower income people, who need to buy lots of stuff to keep this ship afloat, increasingly find themselves unable, or too fearful to, as their real income, prospects and quality of life recede in favour of continuing to pay for the excesses of the tiny minority at the top, who's excess still can't power an entire economy

Anyway, whayt are you doing these days?

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